Press Kit
Echo - Smart Reminders

What is Echo?
Echo is a simple and effective app that allows users to set frequent, repetitive reminders. Unlike other apps, we set out to create a tool that allows people to focus on the small habits they want to establish that greatly improve the quality of life.
We personally had this necessity, especially given the nature of our jobs. Sitting down on a chair at a desk for hours and hours throughout the day is not healthy. So we needed something to constantly remind us to stand up, eat a small meal, drink some water, stretch and do some squats to get the blood flowing, and much more. And we needed to be reminded of that every hour, or every couple of hours. So we created Echo and we hope it’ll be useful for other people facing the same challenges that we are.
Why Echo?
Because unlike other reminder or alert apps, Echo allows a much finer frequency and it’s much more flexible. We’ve given a lot of thought to the user experience and the flow of setting an alarm and we came up with a natural language, serial flow of input that is much quicker and clearer than having dozens of date/time pickers, input fields, and checkboxes.
Echo is minimalistic, featuring a very clean design. The interface is straightforward, always showing the user the necessary information about their reminders. The process of setting up a reminder is streamlined and very clear, divided into steps that make sense in succession.
(various sizes and more images available in the downloadable pack)

Animation of app in use

List of set reminders

Setup step - setting day frequency

Custom sounds

Stats (for tracking habits)

Editing an Echo (setting the limit)

Some of our suggestions

Further Details
Release Date:
July 31, 2017
FREE (with in-app purchases)
Store Link:
About Us
Elliott Dobbs and Horea Burca formed Blinky in 2016 having worked together on various projects since 2011. Elliott is based in Florida, US, and Horea in Cluj, Romania. Having never actually met in person, they work remotely over the 7 hour time zone difference.
They both share responsibilities in the conceptual design and fun ideas department. Whilst Horea takes the reins on all things code related, Elliott handles user experience and design.

Horea Burca

Elliott Dobbs