Principally, journal entries can be viewed across a timeline we call your 'life calendar' displaying the proximity to your 90th birthday.
Journal entries made in the context of the bigger picture are more insightful, but are enhanced further by nifty ways to indicate your mood, your satisfaction with time spent doing the things you love, and 'insights' about past events that might inform future decisions (or just make for interesting reflection).
A simple clean interface, flexible enough to accommodate fast journaling, life journaling, or tasks tracking, and built with obsessive attention to detail. We really do hope you like our version of the humble journal.

Emotional Intelligence
Perspective provides a safe space for processing your emotions and increasing your self-awareness. Monitor fluctuations in mood and identify what has a positive influence.
Perspective brings your wandering mind to attention, to focus on the now. It's unique life calendar prompts contemplation and engagement with your 'mental traffic'.

Add interests, goals, or habits. Perspective's weekly review will display how well you're spending your time. Define what to add to 'Interests,' reflect each day, and get a breakdown of your satisfaction over the week.
Perspective prompts regular reflection on past journal entries we call 'Insights.' Over time, your collection of Insights (and the entries that prompted them) serve to build wisdom.

Aside from the many benefits of writing down your thoughts and keeping a journal, Perspective sets out to surface new findings from previously unrelated events, thoughts, feelings and emotions.